Maintaining Essential Services After Natural Disasters (MAINTAINS PHASE 2
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) was commissioned by the Research, Evidence and Development Department (RED) within DFID to carry out the Maintaining Essential Services After Natural Disasters (Maintains) programme. Maintains is a cross sectoral research programme cutting across education, health, social protection, nutrition, and water and sanitation in six countries, including looking at underpinning issues such as contingency planning, disaster response and disaster risk financing.
The overall objective Maintains is to deliver, and maximise uptake of new, operationally-relevant evidence on:
1. How shocks impact on essential services in developing countries;
2. The extent to which essential services can flex and respond as a system rather than independent parts; and
3. How best essential services can prepare and respond to natural disasters.
The programme will deliver against these objectives through three components:
1. Research to deliver essential services that effectively respond and flex in response to natural disasters
2. Integrating learning back into DFID focus countries: Provide support to country offices that participate in the research to access short term specialist technical expertise on a call down basis to help them to position programmes to benefit from the research and to integrate research findings into ongoing programme design in order to strengthen the response to
3. Promotion of research uptake across DFID and the international community: Development of a research uptake strategy, dissemination of robust research outputs, and lesson learning events which will share the emerging lessons with DFID offices, policy teams and other relevant stakeholders.
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