UNICEF Nutritional Information Systems Project
Nutrition Information System encompasses collection, analysis and interpretation of nutrition data from multiple sources to provide information for decision making. UNICEF is working with the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical alliance to develop a roadmap for system wide improvements to Nutritional Information Systems-e.
CHC was commissioned by UNICEF in September 2021 to:
a) Oversee the diagnosis of NIS in Emergencies (NIS-e) and identify:
- Lessons of what worked and didn’t work during the pandemic and identify pre-existing gaps
- Review what didn’t work before and during the pandemic
- Come up with recommendations to consolidate gains and build back better
The process will be participatory involving several stages i.e. development of a Succinct diagnostic paper identifying issues and proposing solutions and Consultations to validate findings and identify next steps, priorities and, roles and responsibilities
b) Develop a paper to reconceptualise nutrition and its relationship to famine and related extreme emergencies-
c) Provide technical support desk services on NIS analysis and famine analysis. Provide commentary on nutrition analysis and review documentation related to famine and nutrition in complex emergencies
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