In May 2022, Centre for Humanitarian Change released its report “Anticipatory Action to drought induced crisis in Kenya and Somalia”, which tracked two years’ worth of drought impact and aid response data between 2020-2022. The findings informed “Dangerous Delay 2:...
Sanitation is a significant challenge in Kenya. The Country did not meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets for sanitation or drinking water. It is estimated that today 70% of Kenya’s population, almost 33 million people, lack access to basic sanitation and...
Extreme weather events, or climate shocks, such as floods, wildfires, heatwaves, or droughts, can have major impacts on public health and nutrition status, and on the functioning of health systems in low- and lower middle-income counties. Demand for health and...
Despite significant investment by government and donors to address acute malnutrition in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) over many years, acute malnutrition rates frequently remain above emergency levels and even when households’ access to food and quality...
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) was commissioned by the Research, Evidence and Development Department (RED) within DFID to carry out the Maintaining Essential Services After Natural Disasters (Maintains) programme. Maintains is a cross sectoral research programme...