
Designing Nutrition Resilience


Based on the approach described in the Policy Paper for Nutrition Resilience a framework for Nutrition Resilience programming has been suggested below. The framework is designed to provide support to stakeholders implementing programme’s (Nutrition Specific and Sensitive) including elements for Nutrition and Nutrition Resilience. Both the Nutrition Resilience Policy Paper and this framework acknowledge that most activities presently implemented in the ASAL areas have potential to positively impact on nutrition status and nutrition resilience, although often through long and complex causal chains. The document also points out that there are some simple first steps that could be taken within these existing programmes to help the positive potential translate into positive outcomes and impacts. As described in the policy paper the approach taken has been one of simplicity and identifying next steps that build on existing interventions. Suggested approaches focus on as direct as possible causal chains and are as realistic about ‘doability’ as possible. Given the focus on simplicity and doability, the framework does not propose large scale restructuring of programmes to break down sector silos through better integration. Paradoxically this unwillingness to recommend ‘all in one’ remedies and to focus on simplicity means that the devil is in the details. Thus the framework tends to be quite general in explaining how the approach described in the Policy Paper could be integrated into Nutrition and Nutrition Allied Sector (NAS) programmes. In fact, many of the approaches suggested involving adaptations to monitoring and evaluation indicators as the key first step.

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