The duality of conflict and climate in Somalia has been debated for several years. Increasingly frequent drought and flooding kills pasture, crops and livestock and drives hunger and migration, and hardship is a tinder box for insurgency. We’ve seen this on a loop for...
Date: 14th -15th April 2021 CHC is partnering with MSF, Oxfam and University of Nairobi to bring together knowledge and practice on climate forecasting and disease outbreaks with the aim of improving our capacity to respond effectively, especially in the water,...
Adaptive implementation: Nawiri staff taking handwashing stations to Longech and Namukuse Dispensaries in Turkana by boat due to impassable roads USAID Nawiri has been cushioning nutrition outcomes from the immediate and latent effects of COVID-19 in Samburu and...
The Centre for Humanitarian Change partners with Rift Valley Institute (link) to convene an experts forum on COVID19 in the region. CHC is collaborating with Rift Valley to bring together Somali experts in a range of fields to respond to the need for more evidence on...
This Whatworks Discussion includes round table sessions to bring together humanitarian decision makers and Somali thought leaders to develop ideas on Somali led action to support communities through the COVID19 crisis. In theme for the first round table on 28 th April...