by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2019
From 2016-2019, CHC in partnership with REACH conducted research on pastoralist women in Maasai and Samburu counties, Kenya, exploring the links between women empowerment and water security specifically deep diving into the constraints pastoralists women face...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2019
These projects were to help improve the understanding and analysis of households living in famine or famine-like conditions to enable improved prevention, mitigation and response. One of the challenges facing food security analysts across the region is accurately...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2019
CHC collaborated with Feinstein International Center at Tufts University to conduct a study in 6 countries, Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria, to consider the constraints on data collection and analysis in extreme food security emergencies in...
by Adres Digital | Mar 11, 2018
Support to DFID Kenya’s Nutrition Work. The aim was to provide nutrition expertise to advise, guide and challenge DFID to improve resilience and response programming for nutrition and to strengthen its work with development partners and the Government of Kenya. This...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2018
CHC is currently contracted by the System Enhancement for Transformative Health (SETH) project to support operational research in Western Kenya. The SETH project’s objective is to improve the quality, availability and access to Maternal, New-born and Child health and...