by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2018
Mercy Corps was leading the implementation of Strengthening Community Capacity for Resilience and Growth components for a USAID funded Kenya Feed the Future Livestock Market Systems (LMS). This was to enable people, households and communities to escape poverty and...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2018
Climate change and resulting weather extremes threaten the lives of millions of children worldwide. The security of water sources are increasingly threatened, investments in WASH infrastructure is lost & the lives of millions of children are at risk. The impacts of...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2017
Director of CHC, Nancy Balfour, worked in partnership with Mercy Corps Kenya to develop a strategy for their programming in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya. This was a contributory framework to the overall country program and was intended to be...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2017
CHC with partners, Global Emergency Group (GEG), carried out an interactive and iterative evaluation alongside UNICEF’s response to the 2018/17 drought in Kenya, closely monitoring program activities throughout six counties severely impacted by the drought. Over a...
by Adres Digital | Jan 8, 2016
Focused on nine of the most vulnerable and high-risk areas of the 23 counties, PREG works with the Kenyan government both at the National and County level to address underlying community vulnerabilities in the ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) region. The partnership...